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Attained age conversion is a point in time on a term life policy when the policyholder has attained the agen where they have the right to convert the term life insurance policy into a permanent whole life or universal life policy at their election and without having to take a paramedical exam.

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Q: What is attained age conversion term life insurance?
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What is a life insurance conversion clause?

Many term or group term life insurance policies provide a conversion clause, which allows the covered person to purchase a permanent life insurance policy at the same medical condition rates you have on the term policy. The rates would be based on your attained age at the time of your conversion but if you health had deteriorated, it is still a good benefit.

I Need conversion rates from term to whole life?

It depends on what company issued your existing term life insurance policy. You can compare rates from multiple other insurance companies. You need a life insurance broker.

Protect Your Life With Term Insurance?

Term life insurance is a form of life insurance that provides coverage for a specified amount of time at a fixed rate. Finding a quote for term life insurance online is quick and easy. By searching online, rates can be compared among different insurance agencies to ensure the lowest rates possible. Term life insurance quotes can also be attained by phone. Most agencies are helpful and offer informative, unbiased information regarding term life insurance and how to obtain it.

Group term life insurance definition?

Group term life insurance is a one year coverage that is renewable at the end of each year. The group plan is subject to experience rating, so the premium rate upon renewal is based on such factors as the loss record (death) of the group and range of employee ages. All employees are insured with group term life insurance. Realistically, coverage is temporary because on termination of employment the employee usually does not convert the group term coverage to individual permanent life insurance, because the conversion is at a higher attained age rate. And, the permanent life insurance costs much more than group term insurance.

What is the benefit of conversion on a term life ins?

Conversion of a term life policy is a right granted to the insured which allows you to convert a term life insurance policy into a permanent life insurance policy without having to take another exam. The permanent policy offers guaranteed level premiums and a level death benefit for the rest of your life. Conversion privileges are very important if you are ill and otherwise not insurable.

What is term life conversion credit?

Depending on the insurance carrier, if you convert a qualifying term life insurance policy to a permanent life or universal life insurance policy, the new policy's first year premium will be reduced. The amount of reduction is based on the term premiums paid during the 12 months prior to the conversion. The carrier can elect to give you a credit on a portion of those premiums paid based on a few factors, such as the age of the term insurance policy, or the type of policy you are converting to.

Changing term life insurance to whole life insurance are there age restrictions?

No, but the older you are, the higher the premiums. You may want to look at the life insurance policy terms and conditions section that refers to "Conversion" or Convertibility Option". This section of your policy should explain how you may convert your term life insurance policy to permanent life insurance, and by what date you may convert. There may be a specific date in the policy by which time you may convert the term life insurance policy to permanent life insurance. Also many companies will offer a "term conversion credit" if converted with a certain number of years, this credit is generally the last 12 months of premium paid on your existing term policy I would suggest that you check out the convertability terms and conditions specified in your present policy. You may want to check with your insurance agent about this. There are many contingencies which may allow you conversion credit if you convert within a specified number of years.

Does Prudential Life Insurance offer term life?

Prudential Life Insurance offers several different type of life insurance, including term life insurance. They offer complete term insurance or supplemental term insurance that can be added on top of any other insurance you may have.

Does all life insurance have no physical term?

No, term life insurance has a term, hence the name.

What is the difference between life insurance and term life insurance?

Life insurance is a more general concept that may refer to either whole life insurance or term life insurance. Whole life insurance gathers value the longer you have it, whereas Term life insurance does not obtain any value that you may use before you die. Term life insurance only pays out when you die.

What are the benefits of purchasing term assurance?

Term life insurance will protect the policyholder should his or her life end unexpectedly. Term life insurance is often the cheapest of all available insurance. Usually, term life insurance can be converted to whole life insurance during the term. Whole life insurance will never expire and the rates will remain constant throughout the policyholder's life.

What do you mean by the term life insurance?

Term life insurance is a form of temporary life insurance that provides coverage for a specific number of years. Term life insurance is available for 1-40 years, depending on your health and age. Term life insurance is usually purchased for 1, 15, 20 or 30 years. Term life insurance builds no cash value within the policy. Term life insurance is "Pure Protection". You pay only for the life insurance. If you outlive your policy term, the coverage expires. Level term life insurance is the most common form of term life insurance. Level term offers premiums and coverage amount that remain the same each year for the entire term of your policy.