

What is being done about mountain tapirs?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: What is being done about mountain tapirs?
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What is being done to save the tapirs?

we can give money to zoos and adopt them

What is being done to help tapirs?

There is a lot of programs out for them raising money and spreading awareness that they are going extinct.

How common are the tapirs?

Tapirs are incredibly endangered and are being bred all over the world

Does Mountain Tapirs shed?

yes, they shed during the winter and late fall months

Why are mountain tapirs endangered?

There are a few reasons why... Some for logging some for hunting (hide hunting and for eating)

Do tapirs hibernate?

Baby tapirs sleep as normal as other animals in the wild they do tend to sleep close to keep warm.

Are mountain tapirs completely eliminated?

Yes, I ate them all... they tasted like baby seal

Who are tapirs predators?

The amazon tapir is prey to black caimans, jaguars, mountain lions, and anacondas.

What is being done to stop the spread of mountain goats?

more consumers

Do tapir live in the rainforest?

They do - central and south America and south east Asia

Do boa constrictors eat tapirs?

No, Tapirs are herbivores, Jaguars and Anaconda are the tapirs predators.

What do anaconda hunt?

Large green anacondas prey on deer, rodents, tapirs, river dolphins, caimans, mountain lions, and jaguars.