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they make a loud noise when they try to suck your blood

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Q: What is cause of Mosquitoes buzzing in people ears?
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What will protect outside cats from mosquitoes?

Generally cats aren't bothered by mosquitoes because of their fur. If you have buckets or pails of water around get rid of them as these are breeding grounds for mosquitoes. We get mosquitoes in British Columbia, but my cat or dogs don't seem to have a problem with them.In warmer, wetter areas where mosquitoes are prevalent, outside cats are greatly bothered by mosquito bites on their vulnerable ears and noses. Cats can get heartworms, too, you know. Feral cats in my Texas neighborhood have bloody scars on their noses and ears from scratching at these bites. This is only one of the numerous reasons to keep your own cat inside. In the United States, totally outside cats have an average lifespan of 2 years, while those living totally inside have an average lifespan of 14 years.

Do elephants use their ears to fight mosquitoes?

Elephants primarily use their ears to hear with. The secondary function is for cooling of the body, due to the large size of the ears and the many blood vessels in them, the elephant flaps their ears to cool the blood, therefore cooling the body. ( they work like a radiator ) To combat annoying insects, they will throw dust and dirt on themselves attempting to create a layer of protection that the insects cannot bite through.

What does it mean if a rabbit's ears go limp while he is sleeping?


Why is the inside of its ears dry and flaky?

On a human it is dry and flaky if u don't wash the soap out of your ears cause then it gets hard on your ear which makes it flaky.

What is the Origin of pin your ears back?

There is some speculation of the origin of the phrase "pin your ears back". Some people think it originates from how animals pin their ears back when they are in attack mode.