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The outer electron shells of the halogens contain seven electrons, and need one more electron to have eight and become stable.

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Q: What is characteristic about the outer electron shells of the halogens?
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What is the characteristics about the outer electron shells of halogens?

Each halogen element has an outer shell that lacks one electron of being full.

How many electrons are in the outer electron level of the halogen?

7 electrons are on the outer (valence) shells of all halogens

What does not have identical outer electron configuration?


Why metals react by losing electrons whereas halogens react by gaining electron?

Metals have a few electrons fairly loosely bound in their outer "shells", while halogens have nearly-complete outer electron "shells". The most stable configuration for an atom is to have completely-filled shells, so it's easy for metals to lose an electron or two and get down to the next "completely filled" shell, while halogens pick up extra electrons to get to the next filled shell.

Do the halogens react with the alkali metals why or why not?

The electron configuration is why they react. The Alkali metals have one electron in their outer shell and to complete their outer shell need 7 more electrons. They can give, take or share electrons with other atoms. This is when the Halogens come in handy. The Halogens have 7 electrons in their outer shells, and need one more to complete the outer shell. These can react very easily because they have both the perfect amounts to fill their outer shells and become compounds. Other atoms with other amounts to become atoms not ions needs another element to react with. Hope this helps, Matt.

How many electron levels does sodium 23 have?

1 valence electrons 2 full outer shells (electron levels) 3 outer shells (electron levels)

What group NORMALLY bonds with halogens?

Group 1 Alkali metals because the halogens need one electron to fill their outer electron shell.

Some elements are highly what because their outermost energy levels are only partially filled?

The noble gases (helium, neon, krypton, xenon, radon) have complete outer electron shells, and the halogens (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, astatine) have almost complete outer electron shells. Note that the chemical properties of an element with a complete outer shell are tremendously different from the chemical properties of an element with an almost complete outer shell.

How many electron shells does chromium have?

Chromium has two electrons in the outer most shell.

Are the outer electron shells always filled first?

No. The inner shells are filled first.

The group that needs one more electron to fill its outer energy level?


What is characteristic about the outer electron shells of alkali metals?

since all the alkali metals have one electron in there outer most shell so there valency is always one & they are the most electropositive elements in the periodic table.they loose one electron from there outermost shell to form one positive charged cations.