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Q: What is currant jelly stool a clinical manifestation of?
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Related questions

Why is there blood and white jelly in stool after taking laxative?

The blood is there because you may have had a large stool, and slightly irritated the anus. The white jelly was the encasing that surrounded the laxative you took orally.

Which clinical specimen is used for enterotube inoculation?

stool or feces

What is the clinical significance stool analysis using concentration technique?

the large amount of stool is used.. it is easy to find eggs of intestinal parasites..

White is jelly mucous stool in puppies?

you mean "WHAT is jelly mucous stool in puppies?", yes?

Orange jelly stool in dogs?

If it appears more than twice, take the dog to a vet. Maybe collect some of the dog's stool with the jelly-like material in it into a plastic bag or container so they can do a parasite study under the microscope.

How long after taking stool specimens can i wait before taking to lab if in clinical bottles?

Stool specimens should be taken to the hospital within 1 hour of collection for accurate test results.

How can you use the word stool in a sentence?

i sat on a stool. the stool was very high. the stool was brown.



What is a pedal stool?

a stool which you eat off

What is the stool like with a ileostomy?

formed stool

Why you are using formalin?

Formalin is used in the clinical and pathology labs to preserve the ova and parasites that might be found in a stool specimen, gastric specimen. Pathology uses formalin to preserve tissue that is removed for exam and special staining.

How many syllables does stool have?

Stool has one syllable.