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Cynics- This term derives from the Greek work "kunos" which means "dog-like." Early Cynics e.g. Diogenes were ANTI-SOCIAL:

1. The world (everything external) is evil so withdraw from it. Flouting convention, they lived like stray dogs.

2. Unlike Seneca, they lived the life that they preached.

Epicureans- Founded by Epicurus (341-270 BCE). In 306 Epicurus established a school, The Garden, in Athens. This school was essentially a community of men, women and children.

a. They were Egoistic Hedonists (egoism meaning individual rather than the group and hedonism referring to moral theories which argue pleasure/happiness is the highest good.) Lasting pleasure is greater than momentary pleasure, specifically the pleasure of the mind is best.

b. They were Atomists, the belief that everything is made up of atoms in constant motion. When an organism dies the atoms disintegrate and re-form in other ways. At the human Level, the soul atoms disintegrate with death.

c. Utilitarian approach on moral choices. (What is best for the most people is the best option.)

d. Epicurus wanted to eliminate the fear of death by denying any possibility of survival and any possible punishment after death.

e. The Gods have no active role in human affairs but their existence was not denied.

Skepticism- Founded by Pyrrho of Elis (361-270 BCE). This was in the Academy and they became the representatives.

a. EVERY image has a mirror image counter-argument of equal strength and there is NO CRITERION OF TRUTH. Therefore, one ought to suspend judgment. This leads to genuine happiness.

b. Doubted all assertions or conclusions regarding truth and knowledge.

c. Living one's life unattached to beliefs is the way to happiness or equanimity (ataraxia)

d. Do not participate in the art of believing

Stoics- Zeno (4th century BCE) was the founder of this. Heavily influenced by Socrates. Taught from a porch called a stoa, hence the name. Sought happiness not through pleasure but through accepting misfortune with dignified resignation

Five principles of Stoicism:

1. Human happiness is attained by living according to nature or following the rational law of our being.

2. Control of the Inner Self is primary, called apatheia, meaning one is a masterof, instead of a slave to, one's emotions. This allows indifference to be affected by external circumstances.

3. Duty to others- family, friends, slaves, the state, world is central and these duties require compassion, justice, tolerance and active help. But they are not revolutionaries by any means.

4. Humans are seen as inherently social/reasoning creatures. Natural Law = the idea of universal moral principles that are inherent in reason itself. All people have this.

5. All events are a network of cause/effect which has interpreted as benevolent unfolding of divine purpose. Humans have little power to change vents but do have the power to change attitudes and behavior.

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