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Datum is an imaginary vertical plane from which all horizontal measurements are taken with the aircraft in a level flight attitude.

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Q: What is datum reference line in aircraft?
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What is the definition for datum dimension?

A dimension that exactly locates a reference point, reference line, or reference plane

How is the reference datum point on aircraft determined?

It is entirely up to the manufacturer of the aircraft. Usually it is an imaginary point forward of the nose of the aircraft and all points aft of that datum have a positive value. This makes weight and balance calculations easier as there are no negative numbers.

What is the bench mark?

It is a fixed reference point whose elevation above a given datum line

What is Land Surface Datum?

Land-surface datum is a datum plane that is approximately at land surface at each well. If known, the elevation of the land-surface datum above sea level is given... Datum: any level surface, line, or point used as a reference in measuring elevations.

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What does MMLW mean in reference to a tidal datum?

Perhaps you mean MLLW? If so, it is the Mean Lower Low Water; a reference point for all other measurements of Datum.

What is datum in land survey?

A land survey datum (plural datums) is a reference from which measurements are made. The reference in the form of a set of coodinate and a direction. The datum can be arbitary (assumed) or absolute. The arbitary datum point is a point whose coordinate and direction are not known, so an arbitary value is adopted. All other coodinates of the survey project are connected together, but its datum point is not connected to a larger network. The absolute datum is a reference point whose coordinate and direction are already known within a frame of network. So the new survey become part of the network.

What is the difference between the hydraulic grade line and the energy line?

Hydraulic grade line is sum of Datum + Pressure Head Energy grade line is sum of Datum + Pressure Head + Velocity Head

Why doesn't the a10 fuselage station start at 0?

Fuselage stations are normally referenced from a reference datum which some distance forward of the first fuselage component. The reference datum normally relates to a precisely defined point on the manufacturers jig. Nominating a datum forward of the first airframe component allows for some flexibility in any redesign of the nose. Also the reference datum has to be off the airframe because the dimensions of the airframe itself will vary with temperature - unlike the jig on which it is made

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current scenario of the aviation industry with reference to latest aircraft

Why do archaeologists use a datum point rather than simply measuring from the ground surface?

Answer: The ground surface does not have the same elevation consistently across a site while a datum point provides a fixed reference.

How can you describe how far an object is from sea level?

Sea level rises and falls, so a datum line was put by the British Ordnance Survey on a harbour wall at Newlyn, Cornwall. It is from this datum line that mean sea level is measured.