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It's called dialation, but if you're referring to the test question "The process by which the cervix dilates and the baby is expelled from the uterus is called," the answer is parturition.

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12y ago

when the cervix dilates,it softens and opens up with each contration,ready to deliver a baby

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14y ago

It mean it's opening.

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Q: What is dilation of the cervix?
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Related questions

Can your cervix close after dilation if contractions stop for weeks?

No, once you have dialated your cervix will not close.

What is the size of centimeter as in dilation of cervix?

2.54 cm = 1.0 inch

How do the doctors check the shortening and dilation of the cervix in a wooman during birthing?

Full dilatation is reached when the cervix is the size of the baby's head; at around 10 cm dilation for a term baby. This is usually done using the fingers.

What is the normal dilation measurement of cervix for vaginal delivery to occur?

10 cm dilatation.

Preparation of the cervix for birth or dilation is termed cervical?

Cervical manipulation.

The thinning and shortening of the cervix during labor is known as?

It is known as effacement. Usually occurs before dilation in first time mom's and after dilation is subsequent pregnancies. Labor doesn't usually occur until after 100% effacement and 10 cm dilation. If labor does occur and the cervix is not 100% effaced and dilated, then a C-section is a probability.

What is a and e?

A D and E is known as a "Dilation and Evacuation" procedure. The cervix is dilated and the contents of the uterus are expelled.

What is a d and e?

A D and E is known as a "Dilation and Evacuation" procedure. The cervix is dilated and the contents of the uterus are expelled.

What is the medical term meaning preparation of the cervix for birth?

The medical term for preparation of the cervix for birth is "cervical ripening." This process involves softening and thinning of the cervix to allow for easier passage of the baby through the birth canal.

How would you use effacement in a sentence What is the complete definition of effacement?

Effacement refers to a stage in labor during which the cervix becomes thin and begins the process of dilation which moves the cervix out of the way so the baby can be born. When the cervix is fully effaced and dilated to 10 centimeters, the baby begins to move down the birth canal. Effacement refers to a stage in labor during which the cervix becomes thin and begins the process of dilation which moves the cervix out of the way so the baby can be born. When the cervix is fully effaced and dilated to 10 centimeters, the baby begins to move down the birth canal.

What the entrance to the uterus dilates before a baby is born?

The cervix is the entrance to the uterus that dilates before a baby is born. The dilation process can take months, or hours, as the cervix opens up to 10 centimeters.

Can You Be 9 cm Dilated To Start Pushing?

You should only begin active pushing at full dilation (10cm). You may have an urge to push at 9cm but you need to try not pushing to allow the cervix to fully dilate. If you push before full dilation, you can cause the cervix to become swollen and this could slow down the dilation and the delivery, as well as possibly causing trauma to the cervix. If the urge to push is really strong then try some entonox (gas and air - nitrous oxide and oxygen). This can help overcome the urge to push. Your midwife will help you with this and talk you through it.