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Spinal cord is covered by 3 layers and between it's 2 layer there is fluid know as csf. The spinal cord along with it's 3 layers is known as thecal sac. The above thing is a MRI finding in which the disc is just indenting the thecal sac without any compression of the neural elements. This is a insignificant finding and patient should not have any symptoms.

The ventral side means the front side and the dorsal side means the back side.

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An annular bulging disc happens when the disc material has become compressed. An annular bulging disc to the ventral thecal sac is one that is on the front side of the thecal sac. The membrane surrounding the spinal cord is the thecal sac.

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Q: What is disc bulge with disc indenting the ventral thecal sac?
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A disc bulge at the L4-L5 level means that the disc between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae is protruding out of place. This can cause compression on the thecal sac, which contains nerve roots and spinal fluid. Symptoms can include pain, numbness, or weakness in the lower back and legs. Treatment options may include physical therapy, medications, or in severe cases, surgery.

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A broad herniation means that at least 25% of the disc is affected. A central herniation means that the herniation is toward the spinal column. A broad central herniation of the disc with impingement on the thecal sac is a herniation in which a large portion of the disc is protruding toward the spinal column and is pressing against the membrane which surrounds the spinal cord.

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Disc Bulge at c5 c6 causing indentation over thecal sac and mild left nueral compromise is it dangerous situation

What does effacement of the left ventral thecal sac and possible minmal flattening of left central cervical spinal cord at c5-c6 Left framinal stenosis particularly proximal at this level mean?

Ventral means in front. Thecal sac means the sac that contain the spinal cord and cerebro spinal fluid. Effacement of the ventral thecal sac means pressure is upon the front of the sac (producing a flattening effect) most likely from a disc protrusion. Foramen means hole (where the nerve comes out of from the spinal cord). Stenosis means narrowing (usually from bony degeneration or disc herniation/protrusion/or bulge). Left foraminal stenosis means narrowing of the passageway where the nerve comes through.

What is disc hydration loss?

* Loss of lumber lordosis* Loss of normal disc hydration seen at multiple levels * Disc bulge seen at L2 -3 L3-4 L4-5 and L5-s1 levels indenting anterior thecal sac with impingement of the corresponding exit nerve roots at l3-4 l4-5 and l50s1 levels* No spinal canal stenosis seen* Normal vertebral bodises

What is loss of disc hydration?

* Loss of lumber lordosis* Loss of normal disc hydration seen at multiple levels * Disc bulge seen at L2 -3 L3-4 L4-5 and L5-s1 levels indenting anterior thecal sac with impingement of the corresponding exit nerve roots at l3-4 l4-5 and l50s1 levels* No spinal canal stenosis seen* Normal vertebral bodises

What is prognosis of a mild effacement of ventral thecal sac without significant spinal canal stenosis.?

mild disfuse disc bulging with subtle 72 hyperintense signal

What does it mean when it says mild diffuse disc bulge effacing the thecal sac with minimal narrowing of the neuro foramina in an MRI?

In order to best help translate, lets break this sentence down into smaller parts to explain it:A "diffuse disc bulge" refers to one of the discs in your spine. The discs separate the bones of your spine, called vertebrae, and provide cushion support as well as motion to the vertebrae. A diffuse bulge of one of these discs refers to the disc bulging out from all sides (right, left, front, and back), except not the top or bottom."effacing the thecal sac" means that that diffuse disc bulge is contacting the thecal sac such that being able to see that sac is obscured by the diffuse disc bulge. Thecal sac refers to the the "sac" which is a membrane (called dura mater) that contains the spinal cord and cerebrospinal fluid. All this statement implies is that the disc bulge is contacting the membrane that contains the spinal cord."minimal narrowing of the neuro foramina" - probably you meant neural foramina. At each level in the spine where there is a disc, right and left nerve roots come out to innervate tissues in the body. The holes that they come out are called neural foramina. This statement means that the size, or diameter, of those holes has been minimally narrowed by this diffuse disc bulge.