

What is equivalent resistance across a and b is equal to?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is equivalent resistance across a and b is equal to?
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What The equivalent resistance across a and b is equal to?

r/4If the two resistors are in parallel the find total resistance using this formula (1/R1 + 1/R2) = 1/R total

How do you know a fraction is equivalant to another fraction?

Fractions A/B and C/D are equivalent if the cross-multiples are equal. That is, is A*D = B*CFractions A/B and C/D are equivalent if the cross-multiples are equal. That is, is A*D = B*CFractions A/B and C/D are equivalent if the cross-multiples are equal. That is, is A*D = B*CFractions A/B and C/D are equivalent if the cross-multiples are equal. That is, is A*D = B*C

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if the resistance of bulb A is 2x that of B then there will be twice as much voltage across it (ratio 2:1 ). both voltages shall equal the system voltage assuming they are in series and there are no other components in the circuit if the bulbs are in parallel the voltage across them will be equal and that of the system

What are equal and equivalent sets?

Equal sets contain identical elements. e.g. if A = {1,2,3} and B = {1,2,3}, then A and B are equal - their elements are the same. Equivalent sets have identical numbers of elements. e.g. if A = {1,2,3} and B = {a,b,c}, then A and B are equivalent - they both have three elements.

Are equivalent sets equal sets why?

No, because equivalent sets are sets that have the SAME cardinality but equal sets are sets that all their elements are precisely the SAME. example: A={a,b,c} and B={1,2,3} equivalent sets C={1,2,3} and D={1,2,3} equal sets

Why at resonance the voltage drop across inductance and the voltage drop across capacitance is greater than the source voltage?

This isn't necessarily the case. It depends upon the value of resistance (which, at resonance, determines the current), and the values of the inductive- and capacitive-reactance.At resonance, the impedance of the circuit is equal to its resistance. This is because the vector sum of resistance, inductive reactance, and capacitive reactance, is equal the the resistance. This happens because, at resonance, the inductive- and capacitive-reactance are equal but opposite. Although they still actually exist, individually.If the resistance is low in comparison to the inductive and capacitive reactance, then the large current will cause a large voltage drop across the inductive reactance and a large voltage drop across the capacitive reactance. Because these two voltage drops are equal, but act the opposite sense to each other, the net reactive voltage drop is zero.So, at (series) resonance:a. the circuit's impedance is its resistance (Z = R)b. the current is maximumc. the voltage drop across the resistive component is equal to the supply voltaged. the voltage drop across the inductive-reactance component is the product of the supply current and the inductive reactancee. the voltage drop across the capacitive-reactance component is the product of the supply current and the capacitive reactancef. the voltage drop across both inductive- and capacitive-reactance is zero.

How do you tell if it is an equivalent fraction?

The cross product must be equal. Two fractions: A/B and C/D are equal if (and only if) A*D = B*C

Dc resistance of diode is a static resistance b dynamic resistance c high resistance d zero resistance?

B - Dynamic resistance

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Their cross-multiples are equal. That is, if a/b = c/d then a*d = b*c

What is meant by equivalent resistance of a series combination?

Answer: The equivalent resistance of a series of resistors is as follows:Suppose you have three 120 Ohm resistors:A---/\/R1\/\------/\/R2\/\------/\/R3\/\---BThe equivalent resistance of point A to point B is the resistance of R1, R2 and R3 in series.Suppose we would want to replace R1, R2 and R3 with a single resistor, R4:A---/\/R4\/\---BThe resistance of R4 would be 360 Ohms, since equivalent resistance of a series combination is:Req = R1 + R2 + R3Answer: What is meant by equivalent resistance is that if you replace (for example) two or three circuits with whatever you calculate (see the other reply, above) as the "equivalent resistance", the effect on the circuit in general will be the same. For example, the same amount of current will flow.

Are 01234 and 12345 equal sets?

Sets A and B are equivalent if A is a subset of B and if B is a subset of A. A is a subset of B if every element of A is in B. Since 0 is in 01234 but not in 12345, 01234 isn't a subset of 12345, and therefore the sets are not equivalent.

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Yes, here's how you can show it, for the equivalent proportions a/b & (n*a)/(n*b): a na -=-- b nb Cross multiply: a*n*b ? b*n*a. Because multiplication is commutative, the question mark is an equal sign.