

What is evaporation?

Updated: 11/7/2022
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6y ago

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Evaporation is the process of liquid turning to gas by the folowing mechanism:

  • The fastest moving molecules (those with the highest kinetic energy) at the surface of the liquid have enough energy to break the attractive bonds with other molecules. They then escape the surface of the substance. Obviously, this only occurs with the molecules at the surface of the substance.
  • Since at higher temperatures the molecules have more kinetic energy, more of them are likely to escape, and so evaporation occurs more quickly at higher temperatures.
  • In general, evaporation occurs because systems seek equilibrium (there is a low concentration of molecules in the air, and a high concentration in the liquid).

What Happens When A Liquid Evaporates?

In a liquid, the particles are moving very quickly. At the surface, some of the particles are able to escape into the air, while others do not have enough energy to escape and remain in the liquid. As high energy particles escape, the average energy of the remaining particles is less and so the liquid cools. The cool liquid then cools the surface on which it is resting. This is called evaporative cooling. It is common and useful in many situations:

Joggers cooling down as their sweaty clothes dry out

Water cools down a roof on hot summer day

A wet cloth is placed on your forehead when you have a fever

This is a brief meaning of evaporation,Evaporation occurs when aliquid changes its state to form a gas or vapor

Well evaporation is when some water in a puddle or any sort of water is raised into the air but you cant se it. When it is in the clouds it forms clouds of condensation then comes down as percipitation.Then it goes in the water cycle then starts over again
the change of state for a liquid to a gas

Water and other liquids start to boil if they are heated to their boiling temperatures. The liquid starts to transform into vapors but the change of liquid into vapors goes on even when the temperature is below the boiling point. For example, when wet clothes are hung on the line, they get dry. Water present in clothes changes into vapors and disappears into atmosphere similarly, if small amount of water is left in a pot in the open air, it soon disappears. This water too changes into vapors and disappears. This phenomenon of changing of liquids into vapors without boiling is called evaporation.

Experiments have shown that evaporation of liquids depends on the following factors:

1- nature of liquid: some liquids have low boiling point, they evaporate more quickly

2- temperature of liquid: if the surface temperature is high, evaporation rate increases

3 -surface area of liquid: if the surface area of the liquid is increased evaporation rate also increases.

4- dryness of air: drier the air, quicker is the rate of evaporation.

5-wind speed higher the wind speed, greater is the rate of evaporation.

6-air pressure on the surface of liquid: if the pressure on the surface of the liquid is lowered, its rate of evaporation shoots up.
Evaporation is a stage in the water cycle, where water evaporates and becomes steam or water vapor. Ex: It's summertime. Say you left your pool outside with no cover on top. It was really hot and the sun was shining very bright. The heat will make the water in the pool, turn into water vapor. The water vapor (air) will rise into the clouds as a gas. This is known as evaporation. When the clouds fill up with enough water, it starts to rain. This is known as condensation. The water goes back into the pool. So you never lose any water, it comes back. This is known as the water cycle.
Evaporation is a liquid that occurs from the surface of a liquid into a gaseous phase. This type of liquid vaporizes.
when water turns to steam or air only fomr the top

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evaporating is when a liquid gets so hot it turns into a gas.

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Its a device to convert liquid state to gaseous or vapour

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