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Q: What is example of fungible good in economics?
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what is a fungible good

How do you use fungible in a sentence?

If something is fungible it can be broken into pieces without losing much of its value. Something is fungible or it is not. Gold can be melted down and split into smaller bars with no loss of value, therefor it is fungible. Gasoline is fungible, you can sell two half gallons for the same price as a single gallon. A race horse is not fungible. An iPod is not fungible. A rare coin is not fungible. You're not fungible. Hope this helps.

What is the difference between a fungible good and nonfungible good?

A fungible item can be thought of as a "liquid asset". Usually it can be converted to monetary assets, but it may take more than one step in that process.

What is fungible?

Production of rice.

What is non fungible in law?

FIRST to define "fungible:" Funglibles are goods which are interchangeable, often sold or delivered in bulk, since any one of them is as good as another. Fungible goods have no distinguishing characteristics from others of like kind, such as grains or oils, so that they can be easily replaced or substituted. When items are sold by weight or number, that is an indication that they may be fungible goods." (See below link)Therefore, non fungibles are anything the above definition does not include or to which it does not apply.

Is KFC an good example of a monopoly?

yes, kfc is good for all points u can earn money,economics for goverment.

What is the plural form of Economics?

Economics... when used with a plural verb. For example, 'what are the economics of such a venture?'

Does fungible mean interchangeable?

Yes it does

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