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Q: What is federal republic government and its distribution of power?
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What term refers to a type of government which had a central government sharing power with several state governments?

Federal republic refers to a type of government which has a central government sharing power with several state governments.

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Power of the Federal Government

How do republic and federal describe the US government?

because the US has power (federal) and the government ,which is the citizens, elect leaders to represent them.

Is the US a federated republic?

The US is a federal republic. Power is distributed between the federal government and the state governments. The federal government holds some powers, while other powers were delegated to the states.

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What aspect of the roman republic's government has had the biggest impact on the US federal government?

It is the idea of the power of veto.

Is the US government federal republic?

Depending on how strictly you define "Federal Republic"--yes. Strictly speaking, the United States is a constitutional republic (not a democracy as is often said). Generally speaking, a federal republic is a system in which the central government is above state/local governments, but state/local governments maintain a degree of power in their own domains. In this way, the U.S. government closely approximates a federal republic.

Why were the framers of the constitution careful to limit the power of the federal government?

Because this is supposed to be a representative republic, not a centrally controlled government.

What is a good sentence using the word republic?

A republic is a form of government where the power resides with the people. A good sentence would be: The United States is a Federal republic.

What does kind of government does the us have?

USA is world's oldest surviving federation. It has a federal constitutional republic and has a federal presidential style of government.

Which term refers to a type of government which has a central government sharing power with several states governments?

Federal republic refers to a type of government which has a central government sharing power with several state governments.