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Forgiveness is one of the basic things in Christianity and also every one should forgive each other and forget about the problem whatever it is. When we forgive others, God will forgive our sins. The Bible says that we have to forgive each other for 7 into 70 times, it means not only 490 times. Are you going to count till 490 times? Then what you are going to do? So the meaning of the verse is there is no end for forgiveness till Jesus' 2nd coming.

Forgive and Forget!

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Forgiveness is the grace of God. If we believe in Jesus Christ we will be saved for our sins. We can certainly not earn our way to Heaven. If you don`t agree think about this: If a murderer is being prosecuted, and the murderer says "I may have killed this man, but I do alot of good things to. I help the poor and I am a doctor." Do you think he will get out of the sentencing. NO! He will get his punishment. But God sent Jesus in place of our sins. If you ask God to forgive you and you believe in Jesus, you will be saved.

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I do not know of any law of forgiveness in the Bible. However, Jesus, in 'the Lord's prayer', told us to ask God's forgiveness, "as we forgave each other."

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The word "forgiveness" is in the King James Version of the Bible 7 times. It is in 7 verses.