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Q: What is fusing together the bones of the middle ear resulting in a conductive hearing loss?
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Which term means fusing together of the bones of the middle ear resulting in a conductive hearing lost?

When there is Conductive Deafness due to the loss of movement in the ossicles this is called Auditory Ossicle Fixation or Fusion.

What is Fusing in garments?

Fusing means to join two pieces of garments together. When garments are fused together, they become more supported and stabilized.

Bones fusing together?

They fuse because of age.

What the word fusing means?

it means joined together

What kinds of atoms are fusing or combining together inside the sun?

At the age the sun is now it is still fusing hydrogen into helium.

The fusing together of two gametes at fertilization is reproduction.?


What is the theory that America is a country of different cultures fusing together?

melting pot

Would you say it is plausable to obtain energy by fusing 2 neutrons together?

No, because they are not known to stay together.

Do hydrogen make stars?

technically speaking, stars are first made of Hydrogen. The moment the star comes to life, it starts fusing together Hydrogen atoms, forming helium. when a star is nearing the end of its life, it starts fusing together helium and keeps on fusing until there is nothing more to fuse. then, the star dies.

What are the stars and how they formed?

Balls of incandescent (fusing) hydrogen gas that was brought together by gravity.

Why is the amount of hydrogen in the sun decreasing?

The sun is fusing hydrogen atoms together, turning them into helium.

The fusing together of two gametes at fertilization is?

Gametes fuse together during fertilization.