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She's Half black and half Filipino

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Q: What is gabi Wilson race?
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What school does gabi Wilson go too?

it is not publicly known which school Gabi Wilson attends. The teenager goes to a high school in the city of Vallejo, California.

How old is gabi Wilson now?

She is 13 (2010) :)

How old is gabi Wilson now in 2012?


Is Gabi Wilson part Asian?

Her mother is Filipino

Did Gabi Wilson go to North hills christian school in Vallejo?

Yes she did I went to school with Gabi. Gabi is a nice person. She was in Mrs.Mobley's class. Love her BFF Nunu

Is there going to be a second school gyrls?

yes this Decemberyes and gabi Wilson is gonna be in it.

Who is gabi Wilson?

A talented 12 year old that can really sing just type her up on youtube.

Is gabi Wilson rich?

Gabi Wilson is rich. She was rich before she become famous.And of couse she is rich because of all the enterviews sh does and the t.v. Shows she sing on you get paid for that.L.o.l this is miss jalea catch up with me on facebook and you can see some of my videos i have made in youtubesee ya later homies

What race was James Wilson?

white, not Hispanic

Who won the race of 1912?

Woodrow Wilson

What South African language is Gabi Gabi?

Gabi Gabi is in Zulu.

Who won the presidential race of 1912?

Woodrow Wilson