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Filing by country/state/county, and then by alphabetical or numerical order by name or account number.

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Q: What is geographical filing system?
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What are advantages of geographical filing system?

The advantage of this kind of filling system is that to provide you by province and country wise file and the disadvantage of this method is that ,if there were two provinces the same names in here there will be problems to specify which one is that .....

What are the advantages and disadvantages of geographical filing?

i cant answer this question because i dont know about this question

Difference between centralised and decentralised filing system -?

A centralised filing system has all of the organisations information together in one large filing system. A decentralised filing system is when each department or section of the organisation stores its own records. (

Can you convert your Windows 7 filing system to the Windows XP filing system?

No. They already use the same file system.

What is the most common filing system used?

The alphabetical filing system is the most common one used.

What are the disadvantages and advantages of geographic filing system?

what are the advantages and disadvantages of geographic system of filing

Do you know where I can buy a new filing system?

You can purchase a new filing system by going to Office Max, Home Depot, Kinkos, Kmart and there are many other stores that you can get a new filing system.

What is the filing system?


What is the purpose of using a geographical information system?

Geographical Information System or GIS also known as Geographic Information System is a a device that is use for capturing, storing, manipulating, analyzing, and managing the different types of geographical data.