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"Global warming":: the word itself gives us an idea that the globe is being warmed.

It is the effect of all the green house gases in the atmosphere.

The only solution to this problem is reducing the content of these greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.

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13y ago
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12y ago

The problem is that the temperatures are rising. We know what is causing it (deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels), but we are not doing enough about it. Most countries have taken very tiny steps towards reducing their carbon emissions, and the longer we wait, the more dangerous the consequences might be.

We are already seeing glaciers, sea ice and ice caps melting. Sea levels are rising and low lying countries are in danger.

Scientists predict many other consequences including droughts, famines, flooding, colder or wetter or warmer climates for different places, crop failures, climate refugees, extinction of animal species etc.

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9y ago

Global Warming is:

Human activities since the Industrial Revolution have increased the content of CO2, methane (CH4), and other gases in the atmosphere that trap solar heat. At the same time human activities have reduced the forest cover that had traditionally absorbed these same materials. An increasing level of these greenhouse gases increases the heat trapped, thus increasing the world's average temperature.

Observations of atmospheric gas composition, average sea water temperatures, the disappearance of multilayer polar ice, atmospheric temperatures etc. confirm the trends and support the proposition.

So to reduce global warming we have to:

  • Cut down our use of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) for electricity and transport.
  • Find and develop new renewable sources of energy that are not reliant on fossil fuel.
  • Perform afforestation instead of deforestation.

There are many small ways that we can do this:

  • Reduce our use of electricity by
  • Turning equipment off at the wall
  • Turning lights out when leaving a room
  • Adjusting heating and cooling temperatures to save energy
  • Compensate by adding or removing warm clothing.
  • Reduce our transport demands by
  • Walking and cycling and Skateboarding instead of driving
  • Use trains instead of planes
  • Use buses and other forms of public transportation instead of cars
  • Recycling glass, metals, paper and plastic. These all use less energy when remade.
  • Turn off computers and lights in schools and offices
  • Slow our greenhouse gas emissions by
  • Composting or worm farming
  • Planting trees and encouraging our governments and cities to do the same.
  • Speak up against deforestation. The earth's forests need protection.
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11y ago

Globle warming is a state that the Earth is in. It is warming because people are burning fossil fules and other stuff that harms the environment. If this continues, the Earth will one day die! How can you help? Use less water, drive less, and recycle! Quit making excuses! Or if every body took just five minutes a day to do something they wouldn't normally do to help the environment, globle warming wouldn't be a problem! THIS IS NOT A JOKE! DO SOMETHING NOW!!! Take care of our fragle little planet, it's the only one that we can live on! Do you want it to look like Venus one day?!

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11y ago

Global warming is the recent rise in the temperature of the world that is happening faster than it ever has before. It is being caused by deforestation and by the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in industry, transport and the generation of electricity, which releases carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas.

The problem with global warming is that the countries of the world are not doing enough to stop it. Never before have all countries had to unite and cooperate this way, and many are finding it very difficult. Global warming is getting worse and the only way to stop it is a change from fossil fueled energy to renewable energy. The problem is that this change is happening too slowly.

A:Global warming is a natural process that is part of the cycle of global warming and cooling. This process has been going on long before humans populated the planet. The reality with global warming is that since it is a natural process, there is nothing we do can change the fact that it is happening. We can only adapt to the changes that will be ahead of us, which we will not see in our own lifetimes. There is no scientific way for humans to "reverse" global warming.

Global warming is not actually as bad as what the general population believe. according to NASA's 'GISS' data released shows that the average temperature (of the earth) has decreased between 2001 and 2009. There is other data that also points to this. The data indicates that this century temperatures have decreased 1 degree.

A:Global warming only becomes a problem when humans contribute to it, because then we get a rapid rise in temperatures to levels unprecedented in human history, that will cause environmental damage, economic harm and social distress. It has been demonstrated that humans have contributed the increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution, and that the rise in temperature, particularly evident since 1970, is the direct result of those increased levels.

When temperature shifts have occurred in the past, they took place over a period of centuries, allowing species time to evolve or adapt. Global warming as a result of human activity will result in the same temperature changes in just decades, too short a period for many species to adapt.

Some of our most valuable properties and infrastructure are also found in low-lying coastal areas, where they will be increasingly subject to inundation and storm surges. Of course, populations in low-lying areas in Bangladesh or some Pacific Island nations will be less concerned about property values as about what nation will accept them if they are displaced.

Increased storm damage resulting from climate change will cause economic harship, along with higher insurance premiums for everyone.

A:Climate has always varied fairly quickly. The current warming trend, which started over 10,000 years ago is no different, save for a slightly cooler peak this period over the past four. The rapid rise is a mythical beast also.

The 1850 start point was a very specific point for a reason. If climate change was indeed man induced, they could easily have used 100 years earlier as a start point, but the data would look very different. The year 1850 is a scientifically known low temperature period that is known as the mini ice age. This is the coolest period for several decades.

The number of Level 5 hurricanes has decreased and when you view the storm data available from the 1800's you see a overall lower volume.

The warming from this era was non stop until 1934. If we look at the temps from 1934 until today we see only 0.2 degrees of warmth despite ever increasing CO2 output. The connection is far from certain. As a matter of fact, CO2 has never been shown to cause temp change in all of history, it follows temperature.

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10y ago

Global warming is causing climate change. This is responsible for flooding, desertification, heat waves, famines and deaths of humans and animals.

Global warming can only be reduced by

  • Stopping the use of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) for energy
  • Stopping deforestation, destroying forests
  • Changing to renewable energy (solar, wind, water, hydro, tidal and wave, geothermal, ocean thermal, biomass, biofuel and hydrogen)
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There are 3 R's of global warming. These are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

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Is there really globel warming?

Yes there is global warming, and you can help reduce it! Everyone now is helping the environment by recycling, carpooling, saving electricity, saving water, and much more.

Which activities will not reduce global warming?

Driving a large car, indeed any car, will not reduce global warming, unless it's powered by renewable electricity.Leaving your computer running all night will not reduce global warming.Building a coal-fired power plant with no way of capturing carbon dioxide emissions will not reduce global warming.

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