

What is good bacteria found in?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: What is good bacteria found in?
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Where is good bacteria found?

In the human body "good" bacteria can be found in the stomach and digestive system.

Where can you found good bacteria?


Is bacteria found in food always good?

No, not at all. Bacteria that cause disease such as salmonella, can be found in food.

In what ways bacteria is helpful?

There are good bacteria called pro-biotics found in the digestive system that regulate digestion.

How do good bacteria can affect our lives?

Probiotics are a type of good bacteria that keep us healthy. These bacteria are found in the intestines and help to conquer disease.

What eats bacteria?

Just about every organism eats bacteria. Bacteria is found everywhere, even in the most extreme areas. When you eat your food, there's a good chance that it has bacteria on it.

What are the good bacteria found in food milk and alcoholic beverages?

They can be found in growing soil,sour cream,and water

What are the uses of bacteria?

your body has bacteria in it naturally for good reasons. They are mainly found in the digestive tract and are used to help your body digest the nutrients in your body.

Where is the bacteria in digestion found?

Bacteria are found in the large intestine (strictly speaking, bacteria are found everywhere, but there are a particularly large number of them in the large intestine).

Does yogurt contain virus?

Yes, it contains some algae bacteria. But it is completely harmless to humans. The Bacteria is actually good for you and is also found in cheese as well.

Where is coccus bacteria found?

The coccus bacteria is typically found in your mouth.By Nina Romeo

Is bacteria good or bad for you?

Bacteria is good and bad for you.