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sleeping aid medicine or sugar, powdered milk, coca mix, tylenol, brick dust, plaster, flour, baking powder , laxatives , rosin (violin wax) ,

***In addition to the above: talcum/baby powder is very popular due to its low cost (at any local dollar store)

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13y ago
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13y ago

Heroin can be cut with anything that has the right color unfortunately. The preferred and safest cut is mannitol. This is a simple sugar powder commonly used as a baby-laxative. Other milk-sugars are equally as safe and effective. Inositol, a common cocaine cut can also be used. Quinine used to be so popular a cut for heroin in the 60's and 70's that urine drug screens also included it as a test substance. Please watch out though dealers will cut the drug with anything on hand. . .baking soda/powder, talcum powder, cocoa powder, vitamin B, even benzodiazapines like xanax and Klonopin. Or in the case of depraved people, I have seen battery-acid residue, and stricknine poison used.

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9y ago

Heroin is derived from resin that comes from the heads of opium poppies. Poppy seed contains very little alkaloid. Commercial alkaloids are extracted from dried plant material after the seed is removed.

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15y ago

The preferred method is to dilute it with powdered milk sugar (maltose), but unscrupulous dealers are liable to use almost anything that's powdery and the right color. (And who ever heard of a scrupulous drug dealer?)

****TRUE, TRUE, TRUE!!! Often the dealers, who are often users themselves, will add any white powdery substance to get their cut of heroin for themselves for free. Common cuts are baby powder, baking soda, powdered sugar, and flour.

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12y ago

from my experiences with it and talking to the Mexicans that i have been buying from which is primarily the Mexican mafia drug cartel which sounds crazy but there a bunch of pussies... any ways they cut it with coca cola, cocoa, coffee, the by product of morphineafter it is produced for pharmaceutical companies which is a really dirty dirty form of heiroin, and i havent reallly heard many others but i know there are more but all i know is that its not the greatest for u but the heroin we get in Vegas is top quality. the only dope that ive ever done that could compare and was actually a lot better was some jersey dope and i think it was some pure afghan brown powder. i was droolin on myself. but that's about all i got to say about what its cut with.

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9y ago

Usually a lactose-based powder is used, also, starch is common.

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13y ago

Mostly because the dealer makes more money or because it can be very strong so strong that it could be deadly... so they meaning sellers would blow it up meaning using cut.

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Not necessarily because it all depends on how much the heroin has been cut before your buy it. Generally all heroin you buy off the street or even from a major supplier will be cut with some kind of substance, such as sugar, coffee, talcum, baby powder ect.

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It removes impurities and waste by-products "cut " from the dose. Cigarette filters can be used for this process as well. Happy shooting :)

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Consider yourself lucky that you have that phobia in the first place. That phobia just saved your life. Don't be a junky. Seriously, I am not here to preach, but if you must do heroin, just snort it. Don't IV street drugs, ever. Number 1, it is the quickest way to addiction, and to death. But secondly, with street heroin, it is never pure, it is always cut up with random stuff that could be fatal if injected. Since you never know what your heroin is cut with, you could be a junky for ten years with no problems, then one day get a batch cut with something toxic, and BOOM. . . you are on your way to the hospital.

Brown sugar and heroin?

Brown sugar is a street name for the drug heroin. There are several street names for heroin. Some of them are smack, junk, chiba, chiva, tar, H, skag, and China white.

Can brown heroin be in hard chunks?

yes I have had afgan brown heroin in very hard chunks,(you cant break it with your hands to put it into bags you have to use pliers or something) it was probably recompressed after been cut as I dount any street heroin is ever pure, as afgan brown heroin normally comes into the country in big brown chucks (seen it on T.V lol..)

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"H" is common street term for Heroin.

What is the easiest way to cut pure heroin?

By f**king your mom

Can you use coffee to cut heroin?

Starbucks house blend

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