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We know "inappropriate" can be a bit subjective, so if you're wondering what Answers' standards are, we're here to explain!

Remember - staying safe online should be your priority while Surfing the 'net. By removing inappropriate content, we are doing our part in keeping our community safe!

What is considered "inappropriate" subject matter on Answers? Any question that is asking for answers that contains any of the following:

1. Questions providing personal information (this is for your safety - both the question asker AND the answerer).

2. Items for sale or wanted to buy, using the website as an online market place. You may want to try eBay instead!

3. Questions designed to promote plagiarism, as in cut-and-paste. For example, directly copying a question from a Penn Foster exam.

4. Lists or examples of curse or swear words.

5. Questions of a sexual nature. We recognize that there are legitimate questions about this subject, but since this is an educational site that is allowed at many schools, we ask you to go to other legitimate places to find good answers to those questions. WebMD, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (,, and many other places offer accurate information.

6. Questions designed to be inflammatory, with little or no informational value.

7. Questions about how to join a gang or other criminal organization. We believe in peace!

8. Questions asking for usernames, passwords, or accounts on any internet community website.

a) If you are asking about an online game, try asking for tips on how to get an item or how to get to the next level, instead of just asking for their item or account.

b) In the case of email - to keep users safe, we don't allow questions asking for email addresses or passwords. We suggest you create your own email account with your own password.

c) Finally, asking for passwords for servers and admin accounts on websites is considered an attempt at hacking, which is a federal offense.

9. Questions asking for master passwords to a computer. We have no way of knowing if the computer was stolen, you are trying to break into one, or if it is actually yours.

10. Questions pertaining to any illegal activity.

11. Questions pertaining to illegal drugs.

If you believe the question you asked is appropriate please e-mail GoodQuestion @ (no spaces) with the exact question you asked and why you believe it is acceptable.

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Inappropriate subject matter for WikiAnswers includes explicit content, hate speech, violence, and illegal activities. Questions pertaining to these topics will be flagged and removed by moderators.

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Some things are not welcome on WikiAnswers. This includes cyber bullying, vandalism and inappropriate questions comments and answers. Anything that includes swearing and things of inappropriate subject matter is not welcome on WikiAnswers.

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A question you are watching may have been trashed into that question. You can fix this by deleting "What is inappropriate subject matter for WikiAnswers" off the question list at the bottom of Special:watchlistThis bug will be fixed in the coming months

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This question is for the use of SPAs and other non-supervisors. Here they might move alternates that they think need to be in this catch-all category. If the SPA or non-supervisor moved the alternate(s) correctly, they will be split and subsequently added to the "inappropriate subject matter" catch-all category. SPAs and non-supers can use "inappropriate subject matter" as a shortcut to move alternates.

Why doesn't WikiAnswers block inappropriate questions?

WikiAnswers doesn't 'block' inappropriate questions, but rather stores them so no one can answer an inappropriate question that has already been asked. It is called a 'Catch-All', and it stores all of the inappropriate questions so when a user types in an inappropriate question that has already been asked and merged into that Catch-All, they will get an answer telling them that inappropriate questions are not allowed on WikiAnswers. In a way, WikiAnswers does 'block' inappropriate questions.

What Questions Are Inapproipaite for WikiAnswers?

The question you asked is inappropriate for WikiAnswers.

Where do the questions that contain inappropriate subject matter go to?

Supervisors can trash inappropriate questions to a catch-all category that houses inappropriate questions that are hidden and out of view of normal users on the site.

Why is asking about dating inappropriate for

It depends on what is asked. If it is like, "Why does my girlfriend talk too much?" then that is ok. If it has any vulgarities in it, then it will go into Inappropriate Subject Matter

Why are questions or answers removed on WikiAnswers?

Content is occasionally removed from WikiAnswers when it is deemed inappropriate or illegal.

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This answer depends very much on who you ask. Some people think art needs to be contreversial, the more people find it inappropriate the better. What is inappropriate can also depend very much on the audience, college classrooms woudl be able to discuss more contreversial subject matter than elementary school classes.

Why does WikiAnswers use bad words?

Wikianswers does not use inappropriate or foul language. As a matter of fact, supervisors are available here to ensure that none of the contributors to the site use such language that may offend or disturb the other members of the site.

When do you change your name on WikiAnswers?

You change your name on WikiAnswers whenever you feel like it, or if it has been deemed inappropriate.

What does it mean to flag an answer on WikiAnswers?

You would flag an answer if it had inappropriate content in it.