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In 2012, for the first time, China increased its wind power production more than its coal power production!

  • Coal power production rose by 0.3%, an addition of roughly 12 terawatt hours (TWh) more electricity.
  • Wind power rose by about 26 TWh. This increases China's wind energy to 100TWh, putting it in third place after coal and hydro, and larger than nuclear in fourth place.
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Q: What is increasing most in China - coal energy or wind energy?
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Types of energy used in China?

Coal, wind, hydroelectricity, and solar. Coal is most used.

Which country uses the most energy?

It must be the USA, though China has a lot more people and is increasing

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China Germany Russia US which country uses the most energy?

USA uses the most energy but the population of people in China is increasing day by day. These are the 2 countries which could use more energy than any other.

Which natural resource enables the operation of most of China's power plants?

Coal is thenatural resource that enables the operation of most of China's power plants.

Where is coal most abundant?

China, as they uses coal in factory

What countries produce the most coal?

China is the biggest coal producing country. But the USA also has the most Deposits and reserves!

How does China produce most of its electricity?

Coal is the natural resource that enables most of China's power plants.

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How does coal work?

when coal is burned.Electricity from coal is the electric power made from the energy stored in coal. Carbon, made from ancient plant material, gives coal most of its energy. This energy is released when coal is burned.

How energy is coal converted to electricity?

Electricity from coal is the electric power made from the energy stored in coal. Carbon, made from ancient plant material, gives coal most of its energy. This energy is released when coal is burned.

What type of coal has the most stored energy?

Coal that has become diamond.