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Dressing in a way that is likely to shock or offend people is called indecent dressing. Now, what is likely to offend people? Parts of your body (usually sexual organs) that normally should be covered, which for girls would be their breasts, thighs and buttocks. There is this trend of wearing trousers that expose the female underwear when she bends or sits down. Guys also dress indecently when their boxers show above their trousers or there is no underwear and yet their trousers just barely hang on to their waists. How can one tackle this menace without trampling on the fundamental human rights of the individual? This is because indecent dressing is a relative term subject to several factors such as religion, culture, etc, thus making what is acceptable to you not acceptable to another. There is also the possibility of law enforcement officers abusing this duty and using it as an opportunity to sexually harass women as exemplified by some universities whose security officers even go as far as physically assaulting girls whose trousers are not full length and wear sleeveless blouses. This is why so many human rights organisations and civil society groups are resisting the passage of the bill on indecent dressing. It is obvious then that to effectively stem the tide of indecent dressing, a change in the mindset of the individual should be emphasised rather than coercion. The co-operation of all well meaning Nigerians is also necessary. We must all realise that the seeming moral laxity of the Nigerian youth is simply a reflection of the moral bankruptcy of our various families and the society at large. What the nudity problem needs is proper orientation of youths. Dress the way you want to be addressed. Imitating rock/pop stars who are usually half dressed for stage performances and video shoots is not wise. The celebrities you imitate would never dress half naked to a press conference or a live talk show the way you dress to lectures or even church. Theirs is a business strategy designed to sell their music. Your nudity can even be interpreted as lack of self confidence and the desire to court attention at all costs. Wear clothes that suit your body size and not clothes that look good on your friend who is obviously several sizes smaller than you are. We can't all be slim, so forcing yourself into a size 4 dress when you are clearly a size 6 would only make you look ridiculous. Understand that when you keep your sacred parts sacred, you tell the world that you respect yourself and can achieve your dreams through hard work and perseverance and not by flaunting your 'assets'. What makes human beings superior to other mammals in the evolution process is our sense of reason. That is what should determine what you put on and not fashion

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it's depending on culture and society It's giv work to others to talk if that particular society is not digested that dress maintaince Type your answer here...

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