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Q: What is it called if you moisten meat with butter or fat?
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Related questions

What is the fat from meat called?

Fat from meat is called lard

Why does one pound of butter have more calories then one pound of lean meat?

Fat has a higher calorie loading than protein. Butter is fat. Lean meat is protein.

What is Roasting meat with butter or fat?

The technical term is "Braising"

Is peanut butter part of the meat groups?

Not exactly it is part of the meat and meat alternatives group. mostly meat alternatives. so you are partly correct.

How does peanut butter as a fat in baking react differently than butter?

Peanut butter isn't a pure fat. I has ground peanut meat as well as the fat that's in the peanuts. Butter is almost pure fat. When baking peanut butter is usually more of a flavoring but since it has so much fat in it, the butter or shortening in the recipe is reduced. You can trade peanut butter for fat since it's not all fat.

What food group is peanut butter in?

A peanut is a legreme; like a pea... it is also the nut group :)

Which would produce more calories-a pound of lean meat or a pound of butter why?

A pound of butter has more calories than a pound of meat. This is because for every gram of fat, there are 9 calories. For meat, every gram of protein has 4 calories.

Is there low fat butter?

yes, it is called smart blance

What is the thin piece of fat distributed throughout meat?

I think that fat is called "marbling".

What types of food is fat in?

milk, cream, butter, eggs, cod-liver oil, meat fat, bacon, lard, drippings, fat meats, vegetable oils or food rich in oils.

Which animal fat is used in chocolates?

Chocolate has it's own fat from the cacao bean, called cacao butter.

Why is all butter shortbread not made entirely of butter?

Because butter is the only fat in it (no margarine, no vegetable shortening, no oil). It still needs flour and sugar to be called shortbread, otherwise it would just be called . . . butter.