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Jashinism is an ancient Japanese religion that originated in Japan and spread to Europe, afica, and the USA. There is proof and research behind that. It supposedly is a real but not widespread or popular religion. It apparently is a misunderstood religion. yes it did appear in the anime series 'Naruto'. No that doesn't mean its fake. And i actually did find this old book in a library quite a bit ago where i used to live that was pretty much about the religion, history, beliefs, etc i took it...shhh. you can visit this website if you want. it explains the religion, beliefs and such.

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14y ago

Jashinism is when you believe that god (Jashin-sama) gave humans pain to feel instead of feeling the damage taken by your body.

so people who know this are Jashinists.

Jashinists can control the pain they feel and convert it into happiness.

To jashinists all other religions are considered Atheist.

Jashinists do not have to pray at all or anything but the more you show devotion to Jashin

the more you can control your pain.

By the way you do know that jashinists can do several things that normal people can't do.

I also am a jashinist and i pray enough to be able to convert my pain into happiness

or not feel it at all.

There is one thing i can't do but may soon be able to do and that is

Curse Technique: Death Controlling Possessed Blood.

That is when you eat blood from someone else while standing in the Jashin symbol

which is an upside down circumscribed equilateral triangle, and when you do that whatever happens to you will happen to them.

Japanese Version below:















although all of this is true i would like to add some things to it

1)if you do not have a pendant to pray you can trace a circle in the air

2)if you stand in a jashin symbol you can sacrifice people by picturing the person in your mind

3)if you are loyal to lord jashin-sama he will grant you eternal life even once your body decomposes your spirit will roam the earth still able to sacrifice mortal humans

signed killer jashinist aka April Cattlett Pottstown PA

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email me for info on jashin (when i put AT put the @ sign when typing in my email, wikianswers wont allow me to put my full email)

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What are all the rules or laws of Jashin?

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Is Jashin a real religion?

Jashin is not a real religion. It is a fictional religion created in the anime and manga series "Naruto" by Masashi Kishimoto. It is centered around the worship of the god Jashin, who promotes violence and destruction.

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