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Michael Murias and his team at the University of Washington compared the alpha waves of adults with autism and adults without autism to determine how well different parts of the brain were communicating with each other. In the people with autism, communication within the brain was impaired. (See the link to "Autistic Brain Had Difficulty Coordinating" for more information.)

Some children who have been diagnosed with autism have benefitted from neurofeedback (also known as neurotherapy) which was used to adjust alpha waves. One study showed an average 26% decrease in autism behaviors with neurofeedback. (See the link to "Neurofeedback Article" for more information.) This is a controversial form of treatment for autism and other learning and behavioral disorders. Other controversial therapies that might help people with autism spectrum disorders by affecting alpha waves are light therapy, music therapy, and an L-theanine (an amino acid) supplement.

The book Biofeedback for the Brain by Paul G. Swingle presents information about Jerry, a child who had been diagnosed with autism, whose alpha wave response was sluggish. The Doctor Who evaluated his brain function already suspected the diagnosis of autism was incorrect. Jerry was treated for the various brain issues, and the autism seemed to go away. So, a sluggish brain could manifest as autism, but does that mean the child had autism or not? Research continues on autism, alpha waves, and treatments that change the alpha waves.

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Q: What is known about the alpha waves of children with Asperger's Syndrome?
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