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Linear load : Linear load gives straight line response. Non linear load:Non linear load gives distorted response

AnswerA linear load obeys Ohm's Law, whereas a non-linearload does not. 'Linear loads' are also called 'ohmic' loads, and 'non-linear' loads are also called 'non-ohmic' loads.

For a load to obey Ohm's Law, the ratio of its voltage to current MUST remain constant for variations in voltage. This is comparatively rare, so most loads do not obey Ohm's Law. To quote one internationally-acclaimed MIT professor, "Ohm's Law is a fake (law)!"

This tells us that Ohm's Law is NOT a universal law, and it's worth querying why it's a considered to be a law at all, and whether there's any point in teaching it. The equation, R = V/I, which is often 'claimed' to represent Ohm's Law actually does not, and is derived from the definition of an ohm, and NOT from Ohm's Law.

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