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Q: What is lung collapse prevented by?
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What is the name for a collapse lung?


What is a pneumothorax?

It is a partial lung collapse, due to an air pocket on the outside of the lung, which pushes against the lung.

How can lung cancer be preventable?

Lung cancer can be prevented by not smoking or taking in someone else's smoke.

Can inhale screaming cause a lung to colapse?

squidward: "no patrick , inhaling does not cause a lung to collapse"

What is pneumothorax-?

Air in the chest (Thorax) causes the lung to collapse. This can be spontaneous or after chest injuries

What is difference between pneumothorax and atelectasis?

Atelectasis is a partial collapse of the lung caused by failure of the parenchymal (functional) lung tissue due to disease (i.e., COPD). Pneumothorax is the collapse of the lung due to mechanical causes (i.e., traumatic injury, violent coughing).

What will happen if blood enters the plural cavity?

Pressure on the lung leading it to collapse

What is diffcult breathing called?

Difficult breathing can be called lung collapse which might be caused by dead air leaving the trachea causing the lung to collapse. The only way to deal with this issue is to perform Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on the victim.

How is lung cancer prevented?

Don't smoke, try not to inhale other peoples' smoke.

What is an aeroatelectasis?

An aeroatelectasis is the partial collapse of a lung experienced by pilots in certain extreme circumstances.

The collapse of part or all of a lung?

Atelectasis (at-ee-LEK-tah-sis) is the collapse of part or all of the lung by the blockage of the air passages or by very shallow breathing (atel means incomplete, and -ectsis means stretching or enlargement). "Pneumothorax" is actually the presence of free air or gas in the pleural cavity.

What is pnuemothorax?

the presence of air or gas in the cavity between the lungs and the chest wall, causing collapse of the lung