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The supremacy of parliament in England means that the parliament if the only supreme authority in England in the sence of legislating laws. Parliament is supreme to all government instituions and monarch also. It is the only body which can make, alter, ammend or repeal any law whatever and whenever.

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10y ago

the supermacyof the parliament means the parliament is the final authority for making laws for the country. Its members are elected by the people. Thus the laws passed by it are passed by the people themselves . The laws passed by the parliament . It can purpose for the removal of judges of higj courts and judges of supreme court to the government . Government income and expenditures are also controlled by it . It enjoys the rights of amending the constitution through a special procedure .

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14y ago

Founded in Great Britain. The doctrine of parliamentary supremacy may be summarised in three points: * Parliament can make law concerning anything. * No Parliament can bind a future parliament (that is, it cannot pass a law that cannot be changed or reversed by a future Parliament). * A valid Act of Parliament cannot be questioned by the court. Parliament is the supreme lawmaker.

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What is meant by constitute?

The constitutional supremacy refers to the doctrine in which the constitution is mandated to rule in accordance to the laws of the country.

What is the difference between constitutional supremacy and parliamentary supremacy?

The Constitution is the body of law containing rules pertaining to the structure of the state and its principle organs while Parliament can be referred to as a democratic government's legislature which makes and passes the laws.

What is the Supremacy Doctrine?

The Supremacy Clause is found in Article VI of the Constitution of the United States. It establishes that the Constitution, laws passed by Congress, and treaties of the US are superior to state laws and local ordinances.

What is meant by constitutional supremacy?

constitutional supremacy is a doctrine where by the constitution is supreme and the government rule in acoordance with the cnstitution and at the same Tim e the power of government is limited by the constitution in order to escape a type of tyrant of government, and the rule of law is prevailing. Shortened the contitutional supremacy is where the courts have the final say and can strike down laws passed by the legislative houses.

What is Mant's population?

The population of Mant is 278.