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Q: What is maximum number of weeks does Missouri pay in unemployment?
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What is the maximum unemployment benefit in Florida?

In Florida, the maximum amount of money that can be earned per week for unemployment is $275. The maximum number of weeks this can be collected varies depending on the unemployment rates in the state.

If the congress increased the number of weeks workers can collect unemployment insurance would it decrease unemployment?

moderate conservative

What is the maximum unemployment benefit in Wisconsin?

The maximum amount of unemployment benefits in Wisconsin is $363 per week while the minimum is $54. The Related Link below also shows how much you can earn while receiving each week's range of benefits.

What is the maximum unemployment benefits in Washington D.C.?

The unemployment benefits for Washington, D.C. range from $50 to $359 depending on the wages earned in the 1/4 of the base period with the highest wages.As of 11/2009 the maximum is $359 per week, paid every 2 weeks, for a total of $718 every two weeks.

How much unemployment pay does KY pay?

The maximum amount you may collect on unemployment in Kentucky is $415 per week for a period of 26 weeks. The minimum weekly benefit rate is $39.

What is the Total number of unemployment weeks in NJ?

According to the information in the Related Link below, the maximum amount is $600 per week and possibly more if there are dependents.

Is there an unemployment extension in the state of Illinois?

This has just been passed. Look here in the Related Link below (for 7/1/09)

How much does unemployment pay in New York?

Unemployment benefits extended in the 2009 economic stimulus planPreviously, unemployed workers were eligible for 26 weeks of unemployment benefits. As as result of this bill, unemployment benefits was extended by 20 weeks regardless of which state they live in. In some higher-unemployment states such as California, there will be another 13 weeks of unemployment benefits available as well.Total weeks of unemployment available:Low-unemployment state - eligible for 46 weeks of benefits.High-unemployment state - eligible for 59 weeks of benefits.Increased unemployment benefits by $25 per week.Although it varies from from state to state, the average unemployment benefit payout will be increased by $25 to about $325 per week. Your claim lasts for one year, but the full amount is 26 times the weekly benefit amount, currently at $405 max.

What is length of time to collect unemployment in Illinois?

Looks like right now you can get 26 weeks of unemployment assuming you have enough benefits to collect the full 26 weeks. And if you are eligible you can qualify for an additional 33 weeks of emergency unemployment benefits.

. how much does unemployment insurance pay in California?

The maximum is $900 every two weeks. The minimum is approximately $80 every two weeks. The formula is 50% of your weekly gross up to a limit.

If you made 40000 how much would you get in unemployment in Massachusetts?

The maximum you could get is $18,870 ($629 X 30 weeks). Refer to the Related Link below.

Which tennis player has the maximum number of weeks as number one?

Roger Federer - 235 weeks as of 07-29-2008