

Best Answer
  • The average temperature in Mexico is 16.0 °C (61 °F).
  • The average temperature range is 5 °C.
  • The highest monthly average high temperature is 27 °C (81 °F) in April.
  • The lowest monthly average low temperature is 5 °C (41 °F) in January & December.
  • Mexico's climate receives an average of 709 mm (27.9 in) of rainfall per year, or 59 mm (2.3 in) per month.
  • On average there are 127 days per year with more than 0.1 mm (0.004 in) of rainfall (precipitation) or 11 days with a quantity of rain, sleet, snow etc. per month.
  • The driest weather is in February when an average of 4 mm (0.2 in) of rainfall (precipitation) occurrs across 3 days.
  • The wettest weather is in July when an average of 160 mm (6.3 in) of rainfall (precipitation) occurrs across 22 days.
  • The average annual relative humidity is 59.3% and average monthly relative humidity ranges from 45% in March & April to 74% in September.
  • Average sunlight hours in Mexico range between 5.6 hours per day in September and 8.5 hours per day in March.
  • There are an average of 2598 hours of sunlight per year with an average of 7.1 hours of sunlight per day.
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