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this refers to the disks in the spine we age and other reasons the space begins to narrow between the vertabrae

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Q: What is mild medial joint space narrowing of the knee?
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What causes narrowing of the medial compartment?

Usually it means that the cartilage on the inside of the knee is flattened.

Processes on the femur and tibia that form the knee joint?

The medial and lateral condyles, located on the femur and the tibia, form the knee joint. The medial condyle, which is closer to the center of the body, is larger.

The ligaments providing lateral and medial stability to the knee joint are?

Collateral ligaments

Is a knee ligament tear a internal or external injury?

Internal or external to what? The knee joint? There are a number of knee ligaments e.g. anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments are internal to the knee joint but the medial and lateral collateral ligaments are external to the knee joint

What is the medical term meaning crackling in the knee joint?

Crackling in any joint is called crepitus. Medial plica syndrome is one possible cause of crackling in the knee joint.

What type of joint is the knee?

pivotal hinge joint that allows flexion, extension as well as slight medial and lateral movement.

How does kneecap help us in your movement?

In the knee joint you have synovial membrane. Medial co lateral and lateral co lateral ligaments. Inside the joint, you have anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments. and medial and lateral menisci. These all are supported by knee cap. It help to keep the soft tissue of the knee in position and there by helps in movement of the joint.

What is a Medial femoral condyle subarticular cyst?

A cyst is an unusual or abnormal structure consisting of an endothelial lining around a collection of harmless fluid. Subarticular means it is below the surface of the joint, in the bone rather than actually in the joint space. The medial femoral condyle is the projection of the end of the femur bone on the inside of the leg in the knee joint.

What type of skeletal joint would the knee be?

The pivotal hinge joint that allows flexing, extension as well as slight medial and lateral movement.

There are advanced degenerative changes at the patellofemoral joint with narrowing of the joint space and marginal osteophyte formation?

That sounds like the cartilage in the joint of the knee has worn to a point where the bones have touched forming more bone in an attempt to repair the damage This leads, pain, stiffness and continued damage to the joint.

What ligament is on the knee area posterior side of femur on tibia?

Four ligaments are present in the knee joint, the medial collateral ligament, lateral collateral ligament, anterior cruciate ligament, and posterior cruciate ligament. The medial collateral ligament is located at the inside of the knee joint. It extends from the medial femoral epicondyle to the tibia. The lateral collateral ligament is located at the outside of the knee joint. It extends from the lateral femoral epicondyle to the head of the fibula. The anterior cruciate ligament extends posterolaterally from the tibia and inserts on the lateral femoral condyle. The posterior cruciate ligament extends anteromedially from the tibia posterior to the medial femoral condyle.

Where is the meniscus found to cushion a joint?

When there is liquid in a test tube, it's the little dip at the top.