

What is mixed urogenital flora?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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12y ago

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Mixed urogenital flora indicates contamination of the sample due to improper collection, storage and/or transport techniques. Mixed urogenital flora includes normal skin and/or genital flora without the presence of a predominating pathogen.

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What does 50000 col ml mixed urogenital flora mean?

Mixed urogenital flora refers to a test done on urine to identify the bacteria present in the urine. 50,000 is a higher amount of bacteria colonies present, the desirable amount is usually under 10,000.

What is urogenital flora?

Urogenital is defined as relating to the genital and urinary organs. Flora is defined as fungi or bacteria found on an organ.

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Mixed skin flora is a bacterium that attacks the skin. The condition is from microorganisms that are already on the skin. The condition is not serious and can be treated easily by your primary care provider.

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A mixed non-uropathogenic gram positive flora is a possible result for a urinalysis. This means the urine sample did not have any bacteria that could cause an infection.

What kinds of clinical specimens may yield a mixed flora in bacterial cultures?

The kinds of clinical specimens that may yield a mixed flora in bacterial cultures include bacterial wound cultures. The mix in flora is often due to contaminants that come from outer surfaces of the wound.

What are urogenital problems?

The problem that took place in the urine is urogenital problem Urogenital problems are problems and diseases associated with the Renal tract and the reproductive system

What if your urine culture result is Mixed Flora Consisting Predominantly of Nonpathogens?

A urine culture with mixed flora consisting predominately of nonpathogens is usually an incomplete test. This generally means that urine was not obtained by a clean catch method.

What is skin flora?

Mixed skin flora is a bacterium that attacks the skin. The condition is from microorganisms that are already on the skin. The condition is not serious and can be treated easily by your primary care provider.

What internal organs connect to the urogenital in a perch fish?

testes and ovaries are connected by tubes to the urogenital opening in a perch fish.

What organs makes up the urogenital system?

Thre is no urogenital system, The urinary system is made up of the urethra, kidnys and nephrones

What muscles make up the urogenital triangle?

The urogenital triangle is made up of the Sphincter urethrae and the deep transverse perineal muscles.