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Under normal circumstances the thin descending loop of henle will absorb the most amount of H20. If ADH (antidiuretic hormone) is found in the blood, the collecting ducts will open more aquaporin channels to absorb more H20...

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11y ago

The Proximal Convoluted Tubule absorbs the most.

It reabsorbs 65% filtered water, Na+ and K+, 100 % of most filtered organic solutes such as glucose and amino acids, 50% of the filtered Cl-, 80-90% of filtered Ca2+, Mg2+ and HPO4 2-.

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Q: What part of the majority of water reabsorption occur in the kidney?
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In which two body organs does reabsorption of water take place?

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How does water reabsorption in kidneys occur?

by osmosis through tubular aquaporins

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If sodium reabsorption increases, water reabsorption increases as well.

Explain how antidiuretic hormone can help regulate hypotension Be specific?

it can help by increasing reabsorption of water by the kidney. With the reabsorption, blood plasma volume increases, thus raising blood pressure

Is coffee an antidiuretic?

Coffee is a diuretic. It decreases the reabsorption of water at the proximal convoluted tubule in the nephrons in the kidney. This makes there more water present in the urine.

Function of the collecting duct of the kidneys?

The collecting duct system is the final component of the kidney to influence the body's electrolyte and fluid balance. In humans, the system accounts for 4-5 percent of the kidney's reabsorption of sodium and 5% of the kidney's reabsorption of water. At times of extreme dehydration, over 24% of the filtered water may be reabsorbed in the collecting duct system. Basically, it collects the urine that a nephron (a unit of kidney that filters) filters.

What is the majority of water that leaves the blood each day by glomerular filtration returns to the blood through reabsorption by the?

proxinmal tubule

What is obligatory water reabsorption?

the reabsorption of water from pct,alh in nephron which is not influenced by adh.

What is the meaning of vasopressin?

vasopressin is an antidiuretic hormone responsible for increased permeability of the distal tubules of the kidney, increasing water reabsorption and reducing urine volume.

What does peritubular capillaries do?

This capillary network surrounds the tubules and plays an important role in secretion and reabsorption, plus it delivers oxygen to kidney cells.