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Q: What is non calcified pulmonary parenchymal nodule?
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Should you be worried about non calcified nodule in lung?

yes it could be cancer

What are chronic parenchymal changes of the brain?

Chronic means of long duration. Parenchymal means related to the bulk of the organ. Chronic parenchymal changes of the brain is a non-specific description of long-standing changes in how the mass of the brain looks.

What is the tissues of the liver and their function?

Liver tissue is made up of two types of cells: karat parenchymal and non-parenchymal cells. The karat parenchymal cells are known as hepatocytes. There are several types of non-parenchymal cells: Sinusoidal hepatic endothelial cells, Kupffer cells and hepatic stellate cells. The liver has a number of functions, including synthesizing hormones and breaking down substances for metabolization by the body's various systems.

What does HAPE mean?

High altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) is a life-threatening form of non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema (fluid accumulation in the lungs)...

Which type of birth control is better to take after a pulmonary embolism?

A non-estrogen hormonal method or a non-hormonal method is best after PE.

Is the bone matrix non living?

The matrix of the bone (calcified hydroxyapatite) is non-living; the living part of the bone are the cells (osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts) and the periosteum, a tough membrane that covers the bone and allows tendons and ligaments to attach to the bone.

A pulmonary artery carries blood from where to where?

All arteries carry blood from the heart to another organ in the body. The pulmonary artery carries blood from the heart to the lungs.

What might a person feel like if there was a blood clot blocking the left and right pulmonary arteries?

Pulmonary embolism is a very non specific problem. Many people may have varrying levels of chest pain and most commonly seen is a non productive cough that won't go away.

High level chlorine exposures might cause breakdown of the barrier between the and causing non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema?

bronchi and the trachea

What does the aorta is dilated tortuous and calcified?

Calcification of the non aneurysmal aorta means that a plaque like substance has built up on the artery wall. This may or may not be a serious medical problem. Only a medical professional will be able to know for sure.

What is the only artery carrying blood rich in oxygen?

Pulmonary artery is the only artery that carries non-oxygenated blood. Conversely, the pulmonary vein is the only vein that carries oxygenated blood.

What can High level chlorine exposures might cause breakdown of the barrier between causing non cardiogenic pulmonary edema?

Pulmonary edema is water on the heart or lungs. This can be causes by very high levels of chlorine, which break down the cell walls and allow water in where it should not be.