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It is more of a sterile procedure under local aneasthesia rather than a surgery as such.The placement of the stent is acheived by the catheter which is usually inserted either radially(from the arm) or femorally (from the groin). The catheter on the skin leaves only a small mark.It leaves some bruising marks on the arm because of the angle, the arm is kept for manouvering the catheter. This is normal as i consider this.This is from my own experience as i underwent the procedure in May,2009.

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Q: What is normal bruising after heart stent surgery?
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Can you have a stent if you already had bypass surgery?

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How long can a heart stent stay in?

They're usually intended to stay in indefinitely ! The purpose of the stent - is to wide the main arteries or veins in the heart - keeping blood flowing correctly. Once performed, the surgery is intended to be permanent.

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Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery See link under "Related Links"

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There are a couple different treatments that can fix a blockage of the apex. These treatments include a stent and a valve replacement surgery.

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Where in the body is a cardiac stent placed?

A coronary stent (or cardiac stent) is placed in arteries that supply blood to the heart. The stent is a tube that is designed to keep the arteries open to increase blood flow.

What does angioplasty surgery involve?

Angioplasty is a non-surgical procedure that can be used to open blocked heart arteries. Stent placement is another option that can be done during angioplasty.

What describes why a stent is used?

To open an artery near the heart. :)

What procedure is involved in stent surgery for emergency treatment of aortic aneurysm?

The surgeon guides the stentgraft into the aneurysm by using fluoroscopic x-ray imaging. When the stent graft is in place, its outer sheath is withdrawn and the stent graft is expanded

When does someone need heart stents?

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Difference between stunt and bypass surgery of heart?

A stent is basically a hollow tube : put into an artery to force it to stay open. Bypass surg is just that : a vesicle is sewed in parallel to the blocked one so that blood can "bypass" the narrow area.

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