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The Jewish faith has a very long history, and rests mainly on:

1.) The Faith of their Fore-Father, Abraham: who believed God and was credited with Righteousness.

2.) The Law: as given by their Law-giver Moses, in the Torah, the first five books of The Bible.

3.) The Promises of God: to bless them and make them a blessing.

4.) The Messiah: who will come and bring God's promises to a total and final fulfillment.

The Christian faith rests mainly on:

1.) The birth, life, death, resurrection, and final return of Jesus Christ the Son of God (Christ: Greek word for Messiah): who is God's promised Messiah. The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. Colossians 1:15.

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Difference: Jews do not believe in Jesus as God or son of God as Christians

Similarity: Both Jews and Christians believe in Moses as God prophet

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Jews believe that man is judged primarily by his actions, Chrisians focus on faith. Jews believe that only the sinner can repent and atone for sin. Christians believe that Jesus' crucifiction atones for all. Jews believe in one God, indivisible. Christians believe in a trinitarian godhead, somehow both three and one. Jews believe that belief in an incarnate god is idolatry. Christians believe that Jesus is the incarnation of one of the three persons of the godhead.

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Q: What is one difference and one similarity between the main teachings of the religion of Judaism and Christianity?
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