

What is one exercise that helps your TRICEPS?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Dips are very effective for strengthening your triceps. Make your arms wider to put more emphasis on your chest.

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Q: What is one exercise that helps your TRICEPS?
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What muscles do dips train?

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Triceps does not help to bend your arm. It helps to straighten your upper limb across the elbow.

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I think you are referring to the triceps. This is the muscle that attaches at the elbow and the shoulder. The one that you use when extending your arm. biceps; up triceps; under

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Trying to start an exercise habit for life; but you could also work on your triceps, forearm, and shoulder muscles

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Some other exercises that you can use to build good triceps are:Lying french pressClose grip bench pressone arm overhead dumbell extension

What do pushups work out?

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What kind of exercise are push ups an example of?

push ups are when you look at the ground and thrust your hips toward it . usually putting a picture of someone you idol helps with your confidence and motivation. hope this answered your question JH and BG