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In Greek mythology, Poseidon, the god of the sea, was Zeus's brother. An 'allusion' is a reference to something else. So, a poseidon allusion would be a reference, probably in a story or movie, to something about the sea or directly to Poseidon. For example, the 2006 movie called Poseidon was about an ocean liner named Poseidon meeting it's untimely demise - this is a direct allusion to Poseidon (the Greek god). Also, there is a Scuba equipment manufacturer called Poseidon, Inc. Again, this is a direct Poseidon allusion.

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Personal allusions in hexagonal writing refers to comprehension in hexagonal writing. Hexagonal writing is comprised of personal allusions, literal allusions, themes, literal level, literary devices, and evaluations.

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Personal allusions in hexagonal writing refers to comprehension in hexagonal writing. Hexagonal writing is comprised of personal allusions, literal allusions, themes, literal level, literary devices, and evaluations.

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What is the name of the Greek god Poseidon?

Poseidon's Greek name was Poseidon. Poseidon's Roman name was Neptune.

Why is Poseidon honored?

he is poseidon

Is Poseidon god of gods?

No, Zeus is. Poseidon is god of the sea

How are allusions used?

allusions are used when the author wants to make a connection to the outside world, to help people understand the reading better,