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It would imply the intellectual ability of a person prior to a disease.

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Q: What is premorbid in intellectual functioning?
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Related questions

What does Premorbid functioning mean?

Premorbid functioning refers to an individual's level of functioning in various areas (such as social, occupational, and cognitive) before the onset of a disorder or illness. It provides a baseline for understanding how the condition has impacted the person's overall functioning and quality of life.

What is the medical term meaning deterioration of intellectual functioning?

Dementia means deterioration of intellectual functioning.

What is one's intellectual functioning level based on?

Intellectual functioning level is defined by standardized tests that measure the ability to reason in terms of mental age (intelligence quotient or IQ).

What is the Structured Observation of Intellectual Functioning SOIFE?

The Structured Observation of Intellectual Functioning is a observational system that is used to detect mental retardation. Cognitive function is examined while individuals complete daily activities.

What is another term for Borderline intellectual functioning?

Borderline deficient and borderline retarded.

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What is a nursing diagnosis for mental retardation?

Is the sub average intellectual functioning of an I.Q of approximately 75%

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sensorimotor intelligence

What is a sentence for pychologist?

The school psychologist tested our son and found his intellectual functioning to be within the normal range for his age.

What is the Stanford-binet test?

The Stanford-Binet is a commonly used assessment for intellectual functioning. Simply put- It is an IQ test.

How does the intellectual functioning of older people show that environment plats a role in intelligence?

An older person's intelligence level can decline and its due to biological changes. However environmental factors as level of income, level of education, job experience, etc. can help older people maintain very high levels of intellectual functioning.

What is measures of mental ability?

a concept to understand in teaching children with learning disabilities is the level of the learners intellectual functioning or mental ability