

What is raw fur?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Any skinned animal fur that has not gone through any kind of tanning process.

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Q: What is raw fur?
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What raw materials are used to make wool?

sheep fur..and machinery to convert fur into a yarn

What is the raw fiber of wool made by?

Animals that grow fur coats produce the raw fibres of wool.

What is another name for wool?

Sheep's fur or hair

Why do humans have skin not fur?

It appears humans lived in the sea because the only raw meat we can eat is seafood. That's why our only fur is on the top of our head. Also fire hasn't always existed so we couldn't have lived off raw game like monkeys and apes. In other words they aren't our ancestors It is claimed elephants' ancestors are whales. Since we have the same amount of fur wouldn't we have also originated in the sea.

What does it mean if your dog has 3 lumps on its eyelid?

Depends on if they are inside or outside, if they are raw or fur covered, if they are painful or not. If you are concerned take your dog to the vet.

What do panthers smells?

Panthers smell like an animal that lives outside constantly. They also eat raw meet and get a lot of it in there fur, so you have to add that into there scent.

Are chicken eggs good for dogs?

I've heard it's good for dogs do eat raw eags (without the shell). It's good for they're fur.

What were Massachusetts exports in 1700?

In Colonial times Massachusetts exported fish, whale products, fur, timber products, metals and metal products, raw wool and ships.

Animals with no fur or legs?

Here are the animals I know ofat least :Frogs (No fur)Toads (No fur)Salamander (No fur)Snakes (No fur, No legs)Some spiders (No fur)Fish (No fur, No legs)Sharks (No fur, No legs)Rays (No fur, No legs)Worms (No fur, No legs)Beetles (No fur)Centipedes (No fur)Pillbugs (No fur)Cicades (No fur)Dobsonflies (No fur)True Bugs (No fur)Flies (No fur)Grasshopers (No fur)Crickets (No fur)Mayflies (No fur)Dragonflies (No fur)Damselflies (No fur)Butterflies (No fur)Moths (No fur)Social Insects (No fur)Some bats (No fur)Sea Lions (No fur, No legs)Whales (No fur, No legs)Dolphins (No fur, No legs)Seals (No fur, No legs)Elephants (No fur)Hope I helped!

Is faux fur animal abuse?

No because it isn't made of real fur, fur is fur, but faux fur is an imitation of fur, therefore it is NOT real fur.

Why do animals have thick furs?

Animals have thick fur to help keep them warm. And to hide or cover up raw skin so they are not an easy target for other animals that maybe trying to hunt and feed on them.

Is rabbit fur or hair dangerous to swallow and or is it dangerous to humans?

If its been everywhere then you don't want to eat it. It's dangerous to everyone,but if you eat the Rabbit and its raw there is a 50/50 chance you will have worms and die.