

What is replacement level fertility?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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How many children should each woman have to do no more than replace herself and her mate (assuming one mate)? As a global average, she should have about 2.1 children. The number is slightly higher than two to account for infant mortality

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Q: What is replacement level fertility?
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Factors influencing birth rate and fertility rate?

Birth Rate: The birth rate of a society refers to the number of births per 1,000 people in that society. This figure is expressed as the crude birth rate (CBR) and is calculated without consideration of the sex or age of the population. Death Rate: The death rate of a society is figured in the same manner but with regard to deaths rather than births and is expressed as the crude death rate (CDR). Fertility Rate: The fertility rate of a society is the average number of children which would be born by a woman during her "childbearing" years. Replacement fertility is the fertility level at which women on the average are birthing just enough children to "replace" themselves and their partners in the population. Notes taken from my anatomy and physiology study guide. Hope it helps!