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Differential reproductive success is the effect that produces natural selection. Natural selection is the result of some variants within a population having more reproductive success, producing (on average) more offspring, than other variants, thereby increasing their stake in the population gene pool.

An early catchphrase coined to indicate this process is survival of the fittest. This catchphrase is wrong - or at least misleading. It suggests to the layman that natural selection is about the less-fit dying, while the fitter survive. But as explained above, it is not as simple as that: it is about the less-fit fading from the population, whether through death or because they are out-reproduced by the fitter variants. In this context 'fitness' does not mean stronger, or faster, or smarter or even healthier: it means having a larger average number of offspring.

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The best adapted organisms are likely to have many offspring that will survive.

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adaptive radiation

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A simplified explanation. Natural selection is the nonrandom survival and reproductive success of randomly varying organisms who by this reproductive success change the allele frequency over time in populations of organisms, which is evolution.

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Everything! Survival is the race, but reproductive success is the finish line. Remember; individuals die, populations evolve.

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Differences between individuals may affect differences in their average reproductive success, causing the variant traits of individuals that have greater reproductive success (fitness) to become more prevalent in a given environment than rival traits. As environments change, so may the traits that have a reproductive advantage change. This is natural selection.

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Theory of evolution by natural selection. Natural selection is the nonrandom survival and reproductive success of randomly varying organisms. That simple.

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to ensure the survival of a species.

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