

What is ressive traits dominant traits X-linked traits?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What is ressive traits dominant traits X-linked traits?
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Every allele is a dominant?

no it can be dominant or ressive

What happens when a ressive allele meetsup with a dominate allele?

The genotype is said to be heterozygous and the dominant trait will be expressed in the individual.

What is the difference dominant and recessive trait?

Dominant traits are the traits that mask the recessive traits. The dominant traits are stronger than recessive!

How do you identify a homozygous ressive genotype?

See if the parent organisms have the same trait as the offspring. Those traits have to be recessive.

Is a male sex cell domiant or ressive?

depends on the trait.some traits are ineffectual through the male sex cell such as the trait for baldness.

What do organisms pass to their offspring?

They pass on traits. There are recessive traits and dominant traits. The dominant trait is normally the one that overpowers recessive

What are traits inherited by multiple alleles?

Dominant Traits.

Are male traits more dominant than female traits?

Female traits are more dominant because they are more calm in times of pressure as in birth.

What is an autosomal dominant trait?

When the gene is dominant and the traits are autosomal.

What traits are more likely to be found in males?

Dominant traits.

List the types of traits that exist?

Eye color, hair color, size of height, skin color.

What genes are recessive traits?

These traits are called dominant traits. They will overcome the recessive gene and the dominant trait will be expressed. A recessive gene needs two alleles present in its genotype to be expressed.