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Usually, they are called a musician.

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Q: What is someone called if they play an musical instrument?
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Is there a musical instrument starting with q?

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1 third of the children play a musical instrument how many play musical instrument?

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Does James Bond play a musical instrument?

No James Bond does not play a musical instrument in any of the Bond films.

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The Aboriganal Australian instrument is called the didgeridoo.

Can you say you play piano?

Certainly. If someone asks if you play a musical instrument, you may say" Yes, I play piano." The " the " being implied.

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Shatatantu is a musical instrument of the Vedic period.

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A musical instrument is best defined as any device that can be played and produces an audible sound. Preferable the musical instrument can play a range of different notes or can play a variety of different rhythms.

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A lot of people play musical instruments. :)

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What are the musical notes to play?

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