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Q: What is staring at someone lecherously called?
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Related questions

What is it called when you look at someone for a while?

its called staring or sometimes love at first sight.

How can staring at someone becomes a barrier in communication?

How can staring at someone become a barrier to communication

Why are you still staring at me?

We are not staring at you. If someone is staring at you perhaps they are interested in what you are doing or perhaps they are admiring you from afar.

Is staring harassment?

yes staring is harrasment if unwanted if you feel uncofortable with someone staring at you tell someone get a restraining order before that person begans to stalk you

What is gawking?

gawking is when you are staring stupidly at means that you are staring at something or someone stupidly.

What is the difference between a regular stare and a stare from someone who is attracted to you?

When someone is attracted to you when you catch them staring they will probably quickly look away versus when a person who is not attracted to you is staring at you they will not be embarrassed if you know they are staring at you

What is the correct spelling of starring?

Starring is correct for someone who is one of the main characters in a movie or a play or a show and staring is looking directly at something.Starring is correct for someone who is one of the main characters in a movie or a play or a show and staring is looking directly at something.Starring is correct for someone who is one of the main characters in a movie or a play or a show and staring is looking directly at something.Starring is correct for someone who is one of the main characters in a movie or a play or a show and staring is looking directly at something.Starring is correct for someone who is one of the main characters in a movie or a play or a show and staring is looking directly at something.Starring is correct for someone who is one of the main characters in a movie or a play or a show and staring is looking directly at something.Starring is correct for someone who is one of the main characters in a movie or a play or a show and staring is looking directly at something.Starring is correct for someone who is one of the main characters in a movie or a play or a show and staring is looking directly at something.Starring is correct for someone who is one of the main characters in a movie or a play or a show and staring is looking directly at something.Starring is correct for someone who is one of the main characters in a movie or a play or a show and staring is looking directly at something.Starring is correct for someone who is one of the main characters in a movie or a play or a show and staring is looking directly at something.

How do you know if someone flirting with you?

if they are constantly staring at you or they say how cute you are

How do you know if someone is flirting with you?

if they are constantly staring at you or they say how cute you are

How do you stop smirking when people stare at you?

Pretending that they are staring at someone else.

Is staring at someone a good sign that they like you?

Don't flatter yourself.

How do you know who love you?

By the way someone looks at you, if someone is always staring or talking to your friends about you or teasing you that is when you know.