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Ha ha. You might as well ask the meaning of life. The two questions run together though. First what is the medium that asks these questions. Simple. The brain. The brain is either a conduit of the spirit or just an organ that makes all the questions to ponder. Lets study the brain. The human brain since the 200,000-250,000 years of it's existence has certainly evolved. Technology and civilization has evolved. Not to say science's theory of evoulution is correct, but there is evolution that took place. Look at the different races to verify evolution. So, the brain has evolved we see. So has the earth. So our minds and our earth has evolved it is only surely that our souls evolve. The idea of reincarnation or an afterlife is meaning that there is a continual life of the soul. The soul must positively evolve to gain it's next evolutionary life in a physical body, be it on earth or in the universe. The meaning of spirituality is the meaning of life. To be faced with good and evil, and evolve for good into a positive energy source willing to do good in such a corrupt and manipulated world.

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