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They believe that they worship God (in the Christian sense) and when they burn a cross, they believe that they are 'lighting' it to God, as a gift. Many of them follow an off-shoot of Christianity, known as 'Christian Identity' in which they convince themselves that Jesus was not Jewish. This is so that they can personally convince themselves that they are not worshiping a Jew (heaven forbid), whilst still recognizing Christ as their savior.

KKK - Satan is an Angel of LightThe KKK believes the races should be kept separate. They claim God made each race separate etc. This view is debateable.

Moses was married to an Ethiopian with God's approval. Several non-Israelites were introduced into the tribe. Pentecost speaks of all nations coming together as one. In contrast was the Tower of Babel where nations were supposedly separated.

The KKK is inconsistent in it's ideas. It claims love for non-whites. However, it has articles on it's website claiming non-whites as inferior (yet loveable ha ha). However, it tries to maintain an upfront image of "separate but equal". But it's own website contradicts this.

In addition, It's seems ridiculous that non-whites would accept the arrogant notion of white supremacy. Also Jews and homosexuals are downright hated (not viewed as loveable inferiors). Jews are constantly viewed as devils and homosexuals are called queers (put on the same category as race mixers). Of course modern evangelicals disapprove of the Jewish religion and homosexuality. However, they love the sinner and hate the sin.

KKK history is full of people who lower the credibility of the Klan message.

Former KKK people like David Duke are anything but Christians. It is proven that the Nazis were a satanic movement. If Duke is talking about eugenics then he's not a Christian. People like Duke confuse people as to the true stand of the Klan. Are they anti-Jewish evangelicals or closet satanists??

A good biblical site about racism is

The KKK (as you would figure) rejects the modern evangelical acceptance of Israel claiming evangelicals are "Pharisees".

Ultimately the test of a Christian is his fruit. A good tree produces good and a bad tree produces bad.

KKK people (in general) are hateful and prideful. Of course they have "white pride" mentioned on their main page. Pride as you know is one of the 7 deadly sins. In fact it's probably the top one. It was Satan's downfall.

Satan comes as an angel of light. Therefore, he mixes truth with lies. A master job of this was done with the modern (and past) KKK.

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