

What is the C language terminator?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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It is the semicolon. ;

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Q: What is the C language terminator?
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Why you use semicolon to terminate the lines in C programming?

Because that is the defined statement terminator of the language.

What is statement terminator in c language?

The compiler demands it: your programs wouldn't compile without them.

Which symbol is used as a statement terminator in C?

semicolon ';' (Not applicable for block-statements)

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#include<stdio.h> int main (void) { char upper[27]; // A-Z plus null terminator char lower[27]; // a-z plus null terminator char c; int i; for (i = 0, c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; ++c, ++i) { upper[i] = c; lower[i] = c - 'A' + 'a'; } upper[i] = 0; // null-terminator lower[i] = 0; // null-terminator printf ("%s\n", upper); printf ("%s\n", lower); return 0; }

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For clasesses it defines from which class to inherit. :: means area of visibility in certain name space.

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No. The famous Spanish-language phrase used in the Terminator franchise is "Hasta la vista, baby".

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Terminator Salvation is the 4th film in the Terminator series .

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C Language is First Step of Programming Language, Help for C Language you are show the correct answer