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They are not accepted to talk a homily during the mass.Their vow of Holy Order is not banished and he is not allowed to take the sacrament of Matrimony.

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Q: What is the Catholic Church's teaching on ordained deacons who leave to get married?
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Do catholic deacons receive holy orders?

Yes, deacons are ordained, you are a deacon once you are ordained. You are gradually elevated (if you are a transitional deacon).

In the Catholic church there are two kinds of deacons- what are they?

The two kinds of deacons (they are not really different "kinds") are transitional and permanent. A transitional deacon is a man who is ordained deacon while on his way to being ordained a priest, a permanent deacon remains a deacon. The later may be married when they are ordained. Neither may marry after ordination.

What are Holy Orders in the 7 Sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church?

. Catholic Answer Holy Orders is the Sacrament in which men are ordained Deacons, Priests, and Bishops.

Who is ordained with the Sacrament of Holy Orders?

All catholic deacons, priests, and bishops receive the sacrament of holy orders.

What groups make up the clergy of the Church?

The clergy of the Catholic Church consists of the Bishops, the priests, and the deacons: all ordained clergy.

Can a deacon marry 2 Catholics?

Catholic Deacons are clergy (ordained ministers) and can witness a marriage if given the facilities to do so by the Bishop for which he serves.

What does Holy Orders call us to do?

Holy Orders calls men who are ordained as Deacons, Priests, or Bishops, to a life of service to the Catholic faithful.

What is the minister of the Catholic Church?

The ordained ministries in the Catholic Church are deacons, priests and bishops. There are also other extraordinary ministers but they are not ordained. Am example would be a Eucharistic minister.

What are the three types of ordained ministers?

There are several types of ordained ministers. In the Catholic faith, ordained ministers can be bishops, priests and deacons. In the Protestant faith, ordained ministers are generally pastors of churches. There are also other ordained ministers within Protestant churches, including youth ministers, assistant ministers and others to minister to the needs of the various groups within the church.

What is Protestant clergy?

These are the ordained church leaders in the protestant Churches. In the Methodist Church, for example, ordained clergy are called ministers, whilst in the Baptist Church they tend to be called pastors. In the Anglican Church, however, the ordained leaders are names the same as the Roman Catholic Church - deacons, priests and bishops.

Can a deacon become a priest?

In most Churches that have the threefold order (deacons, priests and bishops), like the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Churches, most deacons are ordained priests after one year being a deacon. However, some elect to remain as permanent deacons as this is where they believe their calling lies. Also, in the Roman Catholic Church married men are allowed to become deacons but are not, as yet, allowed to become priests (although some Catholic priests are now married - such as married Anglican priests who have moved to the Roman Catholic Church)> therefore, for married men the diaconate is the only order open to them and they remain deacons permanently.

Who makes up the ordained members of the Church?

You need to be more specific. Which religion? Each religion has its own leaders and many vary on what they consider ordination (with some having different levels). Which religion/denomination were you asking about?